Outing – The Walled Garden, Worcester - 23rd June 2018


The 1st outing of the year for Allestree Gardening Club members took us to the Worcester area and The Walled Garden of Will & Julia Scott, ca. 2 miles from the city centre, elevated so views over the cathedral could be seen on the walk up to the garden. Will Scott had given a talk on his garden some months before at one of the club’s monthly meeting and described the purchase and development of the garden over the last 20 years. Will was much into fruit whereas Julia was an herb expert both medicinal and culinary.


The members eagerly met for an 8.30 a.m. departure and upon arrival a brief introduction by Will & Julia was followed by the club members splitting into 2 with one half enjoying refreshments whilst the other half had tours of the garden by both Will and Julia. This was reversed later.

Whilst the garden was not to everybody’s liking, it was not a manicured garden, there was interest to be found for all. The various top fruit trees had interesting histories, the soft fruit was exceptional, particularly the precise refinement of the red currants and the roses were floriferous and full of perfume. Julia gave a detailed explanation of her composting methods, a 6 week process, which was highly impressive and her knowledge of herbs and their uses was informative and very interesting.

The visit was really interesting and hosts Will & Julia could not have been more friendly and accommodating.